The Time when the Morning Adkhar & Evening Adkhar should be recited, when does it end ?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، الحمد لله رب العالمين، و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله – صلوات الله و سلامه عليه- وعلى آله و صحبه أجمعين.

أما بعد:

The Scholars have differed about when the Morning and the Evening Adkhar should be recited and when does it end. So the first point that I will mention is the words of the scholars about the time of the Morning Adkhar and when it should be started

Section 1 : Morning Adkhar

The Time when the Morning Adkhar should be recited enters

The Majority of the scholars are off the opinion that the morning adkhar should be recited only after the True Dawn (Al-Fajr As Sadiq) enters which is the time for the Fajr Prayer

However there are some scholars who are off the opinion that the time of the Morning Adkhar starts after the second half of the night enters. The correct opinion is that the Morning Adkhar should be recited only after the time of the Fajr Prayer

The reason why this differing occurred between the scholars was because there did not come a clear proof to clarify the correct time that the Adkhar should be recited. The correct opinion of the scholars is that the Morning Adkhar should be recited once the time for the Fajr Prayer enters (i.e. True Dawn)

The Time when the Morning Adkhar should be recited ends

The Majority of the Scholars hold that the time for the Morning Adkhar ends as soon as the sun arises and this is the opinion of Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn Al Qayyim

But some scholars have said that the ending time for it is the time for the Duha Prayer. However these scholars have stated that the recommended time to do is before the sun arises

The correct opinion is that the time for the morning adkhar ends at the rising of the sun. However if a person has a legislative excuse, then he can do so even afer the sun arises and there is nothing upon him for that. The reason is that the word “As Sabbah” in the Arabic Language is also referred to the time of the day after the sun arises

Section 2 : Evening Adkhar

The Time when the Evening Adkhar should be recited enters and when does it end

Some of the Scholars have stated that the evening adkhar time begins after the sun has come down from it’s zenith (zawal) and it ends sun sets and this is the opinion of the Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia (Lajnah Ad Daimah)

 فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة 24 /178

And other scholars have stated that the evening adkhar time begins after the entrance of the Asr Prayer and it ends when the sun sets and that is the opinion which is taken by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn Al Qayyim

And other scholars have stated that the evening adkhar times begins after the entrance of the Asr Prayer and it ends when the time of the Fajr Prayer enters.

And from these opinions, the correct opinion is that the evening adkhar time begins after the Asr Prayer and it ends when the sun sets. However if a person has a legislative excuse, he can do even after that and there is nothing upon him

و الله تعالى أعلم



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